Motor Racing Sports
How Formula One Works
Contrary to perceptions, Formula One has its roots in France, where the first race comprising of 32 cars was held near Le Mans. Since then, the most viewed racing sport event in the world has come a long way. HowStuffWorks explains how cars, circuits or tracks and drivers need to finish the race fastest while adhering to strict technical and sporting rules. Though one can say that Formula One Racing is all about glamor and mega-sponsorships, it’s the driving skills of the racer that matter the most. As most major car makers participate in the race, their pit teams and cars are almost equal, its only the driver and his skills that matter.
Beginner's Guide to Getting Started in Kart Racing
This site is one place on the web that helps you go from no knowledge to a lot of knowledge in kart racing. The site covers the various age groups for racing, karting classes, safety instructions, and an array of equipment required to indulge in kart racing. There are a number of divisions in racing or types of races, get to know more about them. You'll see a list of racing equipment required and its usage and importance present here such as rib protectors, race kart shoes, helmet and much more. Apart from that safety instructions are present as well.
Formula 1 Boat Racing on Pinterest
This Pinterest page provites a plethora of information on Formula 1 power boat racingfrom various new models in the boat racing arena, to recent race news, and pins that take you to yachts, radio controlled motor boats, and much more. Get to know about the racers and their machines that have won the championship, their maneuver techniques, horsepower, gears, tactics and split-second decision making. Learn more about this spectacular water sport, the records set in races, and what's new and happening in the F1 power boat racing world.
XCAT Racing World Series
This is a spectacular resource when it comes to information regarding the XCAT World Series. Here you'll find a calendar along with a map, which lets you know when and where the races are happening. The results of previous races since 2012 have been nicely archived, along with press releases, information on the various teams and their drivers, and much more. Learn about the sponsors, check images and videos, latest updates regarding the racing series, and to add to it, you can also watch some of these splendid races.
NASCAR Fast Facts by CNN
Whether you want background information on NASCAR or want to know a few facts, this pages provides everything you needfrom the latest news and happenings, to astounding championship statistics. Take a look at the history of NASCAR from its inception to what it is today with a detailed description of when what was incorporated along with dates. Learn more about the different series of races, what the various flags stand for, as well as some tragedies that occurred on the race track. Also find more information on rankings, awards, a media gallery and loads of videos.
History of Motorcycle Racing
It is but natural for the famous and popular Honda Racing Corporation to bring forth the history of motorcycle racing. The article delves into how the format for motorcycle racing was established after the Second World War and the way a one man’s desire to win the Isle of Man race established a longstanding tradition for Honda. It was Soichiro Honda who made sure a Japanese team participated in the 1959 Isle of Man TT and this created history as it was the first time a Japanese bike won its class, taking away the home advantage from European bikes. The interesting and insightful article gives a wealth of information that motorcycle racing enthusiasts may not be aware of.