Theme Ideas for Kids’ Rooms
(ARA) – Parents who confidently decorated the rest of their house can find themselves frozen in fear or frustration when it comes time to decorate their children’s rooms. They are often unsure how to begin the process of decorating a room for another person – one whose opinions may be as strong as their own.
The children’s furniture and design industry is literally a multi-billion dollar a year business, says Peter Fougerousse, father of three and principal of Rosenberry Rooms, an online retailer that specializes in furniture and accessories for children and infants. With so much available on the market, it can be difficult to decide on a design theme that you can live with, your kids will love, and that won’t break your budget.
Fougerousse offers the following tips for pulling together a room your child will love:
* Follow the basic rules of room design: one dominant pattern or color, then two or three subordinate colors or patterns that stem from or complement the main theme. The secondary colors or patterns should pair well with the main and be more subdued.
* Start with an item, object or idea that inspires you and your child. Build the room around that focal point, enhancing the theme with furnishings and décor that flow naturally from your center point.
* Antiques or heirlooms – or heirloom quality furnishings – are great starting points for a child’s room. For example, the antique canopy bed you inherited from grandma can be updated with new fabric and bed linens to create a little girl-themed room of ballerinas, rainbows or polka dots.
* Don’t give in to your child’s latest obsession. Sure Bob the Builder or Thomas the Train or Harry Potter are fun now, but all such themes will end up being dated when your child outgrows them quickly.
* Choose timeless themes – western, dance, undersea, space, etc. – that have the potential to grow with your child.
* Accessorize as you would any room in your house, with lighting, wall art, carpeting and bedding that all underscore your theme.
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