Design & Decoration of Specific Rooms (08)

Create a Home Office Design That Matches Your Lifestyle
The first thing to do when creating and decorating a home office is to decide what range of activities will take place within the home office space. Will the space simply be utilitarian, or will it double as a guest room or serve some other dual function? Make sure there are enough outlets and phone jacks for your office needs. When designing the look of your office begin with a focal point. A focal point gives the eye an initial point of interest so that it can begin to take in the interior landscape of a room with ease. Another design tip: arrange your room in an L- or a U-shape so that everything is within easy reach. Install the right lighting. Bad lighting not only diminishes the appearance of your office, it is also a strain on your eyes. Buy a comfortable chair. This cannot be stressed too much. Make sure you love your chair and that it is the right height and fits you comfortably. Next, make sure you have sufficient shelving. There are a lot more tips and tricks on this site for creating the perfect office. Click on Decorating Articles and you'll find 16 idea-packed articles on everything from basement lighting to ten ways to decorate a room in a weekend. If you need ideas, help, inspiration or practical advice, this is the site on which to begin your journey.

Home Office Decorating
Not only does this site help you design, layout and decorate your home office, it also helps you decide on a location for your office, it helps you decorate not only for a pleasing effect but also for functionality, and it helps you pick out the perfect desk, the perfect chair, filing cabinets, book shelves or other forms of shelving, and helps with your choice of office equipment, lighting, wiring and more. This site doesn't stop there. Click on Tips & Tricks and you'll find an almost endless list of articles covering everything from creating a dust free bedroom to a furniture glossary to hints and tricks for laying bathroom tile, to decorating a lamp shade, painting furniture, making candles and a whole lot more. Find a ton of idea-packed articles on kitchen design, kids' rooms, bed and bath, living spaces, and even ideas for decorating your garden. on Home Office Decorating
This site from is a directory of some truly helpful articles on office decorating. Start with Budget Home Offices and learn tips and tricks for decorating your home office on a budget. With a little creativity and very little cash you can have the home office you've always dreamed of. Next check out Glossary of Office Furniture Terms and learn all the office terminology you'll need to sound like a pro. Add interest and drama to your office with Easy Lighting Projects. There are some projects you simply shouldn't tackle on your own. Find out when you need a professional's touch in You Might Need a Designer If.... From Home and Garden TV learn how to turn just about any room into a stylish and workable office. Now you have no excuse for not having the office you always wanted. In Window Cover Basics you'll learn everything you need to know about blinds, curtans and how to pick window treatments that go best with your décor and budget. There are several additional articles at this helpful site, so if you need an office, or if you have an office but it's just too drab and dull, then check out this site for some quick and helpful ideas on sprucing up your office for very little cash.

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